Harry Potter Inspired Bouquet

Look closely at this bright, bold, creative, and unique bouquet. What do you see? If you look close enough, you will notice that this eye catching bouquet is made up of pages from a book. The Harry Potter Book Series that is! The pages were dyed red, and the bouquet also features the 7 book charms along the stem of the bouquet. This is spectacular. We all know that many of us are fans of The Harry Potter Book Series/Movies (myself included), but this is taking being a fan to the ultimate level! I can only imagine that the pages used for the bouquet are their favorite quotes from each book, or randomly selected. This personally makes me so excited that someone took the time to think of this amazing idea. From far away, you see a bouquet that looks interesting, but you will not truly understand unless you get a closer look. This bouquet is truly beautifully made out of pages from a book with an added sparkle. We at The One, hope that these ideas we share on our blog from other blogs, Pinterest Pins, or any other source inspire you to add a little something to your wedding that will create “wows” and ultimately be a special memory for you and your groom.

Your trends blogger,

Monica B. Trevino
The One Bride Guide Magazine

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