Create Your Own Booklet of Wedding Cards

Today I found a creative way to save your wedding cards, birthday cards, Christmas cards, any card you can think of! A do it yourself booklet, which is made up of the cards you have received and want to keep! This is a great way to keep your memories and sentimental value items. Handwritten letters and cards are very sentimental and you want to hold onto these things because someone took the time to give you that card or write you that letter. This is a great way to save the wedding cards you will receive on your big day! Or even a great gift before the wedding such as letters you have written to your future spouse, or love notes that you want share with him. Do you have creative ideas or tips on how to save your wedding cards? Share them with us and we will post your ideas to our blog and social media sites!


Your blogger,

Monica B. Trevino
The One Bride Guide 

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