New Wave Photography

Do you need photos taken of your bridal, engagement, or for your wedding? You should contact New Wave Photography, an advertiser in The One Bride Guide magazine. New Wave Photography, “every moment, ever after”, is a professional photography business that provides you with outstanding photos and high quality for your upcoming engagement photos, bridal photos, and … Continued

The One Benefits

The One Bride Guide magazine is the ONLY bridal magazine along the South Texas Coast, it is FREE to the public, circulation of 12,000 magazines per issue, with over 135 distribution locations in Corpus Christi and the surrounding metropolitan areas! Our magazine is a complete resource available to a Bride planning her wedding or anyone … Continued

Interesting Trends!

Happy Friday everyone! Today as I was browsing boards on Pinterest seeking creative ideas for your next event or upcoming wedding, I found several new trends that are becoming very popular for this season and the next! I came across Superstar Kelly Clarkson and her lace wedding gown, adding pearls to your decorations and style, … Continued